Ch 001.0: She-Devil Ch 002.0: Hair Dryer Ch 003.0: Dry and Damaged Hair Will Drown Ch 004.0: The Big Battle Ch 005.0: The Rumor Spreader Ch 006.0: Return Home Ch 007.0: Teacher Kong Ch 008.0: Saran's House Ch 009.0: New Hairstyle Ch 010.0: The Dreadlocks Ch 011.0: The Glass Breaks When Thrown on Land... My Heart Breaks by Your Hand. Ch 012.0: Catch Him Ch 013.0: Stalking Ch 014.0: Favors Must Be Returned Ch 015.0: Khao Man Gai Ch 016.0: Again Ch 017.0: Enters a Cold Room Ch 018.0 Ch 019.0 Ch 020.0: Problem Solved Ch 021.0: New Member Ch 022.0: Pot Ch 023.0: Lion & Rabbit Ch 024.0: Make Me Beautiful! Ch 025.0 Ch 026.0 Ch 027.0 Ch 028.0 Ch 029.0 Ch 030.0: The King of the Sea Ch 031.0: Impoverished Ch 032.0: Going Home Ch 033.0: Birthday Party Ch 034.0: The New Saran?! Ch 035.0: Emilia Ch 036.0: An Interview Ch 037.0: Magazine Ch 038.0: New Student Ch 039.0: The Legendary City Ch 040.0: Glasses Crisis Ch 042.0 Ch 043.0 Ch 044.0 Ch 045.0 Ch 046.0 Ch 047.0 Ch 048.0: Operation Break-Out-Of-My-Own-House Ch 049.0: Magical Girl Ch 050.0 Ch 051.0 Ch 052.0 Ch 053.0 Ch 054.0 Ch 055.0 Ch 056.0 Ch 057.0 Ch 058.0 Ch 059.0 Ch 060.0 Ch 061.0 Ch 062.0 Ch 063.0 Ch 064.0 Ch 065.0 Ch 066.0 Ch 067.0 Ch 068.0 Ch 069.0 Ch 070.0 Ch 071.0 Ch 072.0 Ch 073.0 Ch 074.0 Ch 075.0 Ch 076.0 Ch 077.0 Ch 078.0 Ch 079.0 Ch 080.0 Ch 081.0 Ch 082.0 Ch 083.0 Ch 084.0 Ch 085.0 Ch 086.0 Ch 087.0 Ch 088.0 Ch 089.0 Ch 090.0 Ch 091.0