Ch 001.1: Prologue Ch 001.2: Trivial Problems (1) Ch 002.0 Ch 003.0: Problems that are not so trivial anymore (1) Ch 004.0: Problems that are not so trivial anymore (2) Ch 005.0: annyeong_bye_Hello Ch 006.0: Crash by Chance Ch 007.0: Such as? Such as backs! Ch 008.0: 252-7 Ch 010.0: Our Season Ch 011.0: A Start by Chance Ch 012.0: Hello. There You Are. Ch 013.0: Fate 1 Ch 014.0 Ch 015.0 Ch 016.0 Ch 017.0 Ch 018.0 Ch 019.0 Ch 020.0 Ch 021.0 Ch 022.0 Ch 022.5 Ch 023.0: 2-0 Season 2 Prologue Ch 024.0: 2-1 A Walk Ch 025.0: 2-2 Every moment with you Ch 026.0: 2-3 The real and the fake Ch 027.0: 2-4 Story Ch 028.0: 2-5 Concept Ch 029.0: 2-6 Stripped Ch 030.0: 2-7 A Normal Day Ch 031.0: 2-8 Another person Ch 032.0: 2-9 Us Ch 033.0: 2-10 Face Ch 034.0: 2-11 Another different moment Ch 035.0: 2-12 Place Ch 036.0: 2-13 Everyone has a secret Ch 037.0: 2-14 Me and me Ch 038.0: 2-15 Pink Lipstick Ch 039.0: 2-16 Smiling while crying Ch 040.0: 2-17 Later Ch 041.0: 2-18 Suddenly Ch 042.0: 2-19 Memory of the Mountains Ch 043.0: 2-20 Memory of the Mountains 2 Ch 044.0: 2-21 Memory of the Mountains 3 Ch 045.0: 2-22 Chance Ch 046.0: 2-23 Sa Heun – Death Ch 047.0: 2-24 Haru’s Wish Ch 048.0: 2-25 A Happy Ending Ch 049.0: 2-26 Ch 050.0: 2-27 Ch 051.0: 2-28 Ch 052.0: 2-29 Ch 053.0