Yuusha Densetsu no Uragawa de Ore wa Eiyuu Densetsu wo Tsukurimasu [delete]
Alternative Name: Yuusha Densetsu no Uragawa de Ore wa Eiyuu Densetsu wo Tsukurimasu: Oudougoroshi no Eiyuutan;I Shall Create the Hero's Legend Behind the Hero's Legend: The Heroics of a Royal-Road Killer;勇者伝説の裏側で俺は英雄伝説を作ります 〜王道殺しの英雄譚〜;王道杀手英雄谭
Demographic: N/A
Yukina, an ordinary young man born in the same village as the hero who carried the destiny to save the world. He happens to grab the talking spear Gr... MORE